An asian ice hockey player from California who plays in the Western States Hockey League. Michael Onda is most well known throughout the league as the biggest pussy ever to put on hockey skates, and has the shooting accuracy of an aging grandmother with Parkinson’s.
“Michael Onda skates the same way that old people fuck, slow and sloppy.”
by Fresno Monsters 101 March 1, 2020
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Amazing tech youtuber who's part of Offline TV. He's Filipino, White, from Hawaii, and hates turtles. He also likes to taze people. A lot. He's dating Lily pichu also.
you know michael reeves?

yeah, the guy who went and bought 500 bulk size packs of plastic straws to throw in the ocean?

Yeah, that guy
by turtle_destroyer June 8, 2020
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With the best selling album in history, "Thriller"-- and 4 other #1 albums, "Off The Wall," "Bad," "Dangerous," and "Invincible"-- As well as 12 #1 songs, and over 140 million albums sold world wide. He is the greatest artist in history.
by Jer March 7, 2005
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An amazing man who will always be remembered for his kindness and sweetness. He will also always be remembered as the one and only King of Pop, the greatest and kindest entertainer of all time. R.I.P. Michael Jackson
"Your daddy was not strange... What he had to go through was strange." - Rev. Al Sharpton speaking at Michael Jackson's televised funeral.
by Joseph Pass. July 8, 2009
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One of the greatest legends known as the "King of Pop." Was born on August 29, 1958 and passed away on June 25, 2009 due to "cardiac arrest." May he rest easy because music will never be the same.
How is entertainment going to survive without Michael Jackson?
by chickenwangs June 26, 2009
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While many people are aware of Jackson’s tremendous commercial success in terms of units sold or concert attendance records broken, serious analysis of his art has perhaps been impeded by these very facts. The question goes something like this: is it possible for great art to be wildly popular, and embraced on such an enormous scale? Is it possible to be a serious artist, and also be the “King of Pop”?

Apparently it is. Efforts are now being made to understand both the meaning and the impact of Michael Jackson’s art. Examples in the past few years include symposia at Duke, Yale, Harvard, Princeton, Columbia College Chicago, Schomburg Center, the Louvre, Lincoln Center and other institutions of learning. Michael Jackson, as well as Beethoven, Franz Liszt, and Jimi Hendrix were discussed as part of a presentation about virtuosity in music at the Louvre. His music has received classical treatment by symphonies around the world. “Thriller” is the only music video to be selected for the National Film Registry of the Library of Congress, and Jackson himself is likely to remain the only pop star inducted into the Dance Hall of Fame--alongside other distinctive architects of American dance heritage like Astaire, Graham, and Balanchine.
Michael Jackson, unlike, say, the Beatles, is an American original and made a supreme contribution to popular music as high art.
by ArteFact December 11, 2012
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