An irritatingly smart person. It can also be used in a sarcastic manner.
Person 1: The Earth is flat!
Person 2: Okay, Edmond Elephant Jr.
by a random eggplant May 10, 2021
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When you eat a bunch of grass then shit it into someone's mouth. They they proceed to eat the poop then shit it back out.
I just gave Melanie a Grassy Elephant and she asked me to do 4 more. That freak bitch.
by Dicklickr9000 July 1, 2016
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often used for hazing where a group of guys form a straight line and grab the erect cock of the guy in back of them with one hand and put their thumb in the sphincter of the guy in front of them then they then walk a in a circle.

Coined by Trey Bright back in 2014
"Good god! I can never tell anyone about the date rapes in this fraternity or they will tell everyone that I participated in an elephant walk during hazing. My butt still hurts (weeping)."
by Unc 2016 June 13, 2023
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Damn. Thanks he girl with the elephant string shouldn’t be skinny dipping!
by KimSimpson July 11, 2022
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When you put your balls in a girls mouth and then attempt to force your erect penis up her nose.
Holy shit did you hear about bill? He totally tried to reverse elephant Sarah but he tore his foreskin on her nostril... Bet that hurt like hell!
by ColonelNutzdeep December 2, 2016
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When someone puts water up their ass and shoots it into their partner's mouth for sexual pleasure.
My girl did a reverse elephant on me last night. I can still taste it!
by reverseelephant October 16, 2017
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