1. An amazing female Olympic gymnast. Considered the G.O.A.T. of female gymnastics.

2. To give up under pressure. See Naomi Osaka.
I don't feel too good. I have to do a Simone Biles.
by mr_phucky July 29, 2021
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To quit or give up.
Don’t pull a Simone Biles and quit on me when it matters most.
by RealDeal432 July 28, 2021
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A disgraced American gymnast who cited a mental affliction called the 'twisties' to explain her withdrawal from several Tokyo 2020 Gymnastics events, including all-around and team all-around. This decision was met with negative reactions over all, while certain cells of society applauded the move.
Simone Biles withdrew from nearly every Olympic Event at Japan 2020 due to a condition called the 'twisties'.
by stok3d August 2, 2021
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Was für ein G!
Schäm dich wenn du nicht Simon Rippe bist

Penis Durchschnitt:
Simon Rippe ist so ein G
by Jejejejs November 24, 2021
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An old man who is selfish, teaches year 6 students useless lessons that have no meaning what so ever.
student 1="who is that horrible man."
student 2="that is Simon Everitt."
by diamond miner February 27, 2018
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Simon A is a type of human which has been geneticaly modified by gods. These human beings have extremely complex DNA structure that permits them to absorb any information, oraly or visualy given. Their spacial-visual skill is a such a great level (§>99.9%) that they mostly perform great in life; not only in a academic sense but also with their social lives and their sexual life.

It is very rare to encounter a Simon A and knowing it because they often look like normal human beings and act like normal human beings, except for their capability of never gaining weight, never losing fights and never getting rejected.

Side note: They often like to call themselves Simon A because in ancient latin-egyptien(from nabi culture), this name stands for : Vastly Superior.
"I once knew a Simon A" said an old man, "he was always better at everything and he always had beautiful girls hogging him.
“Damn, that guys amazing. Must be a Simon A.“
by LordArcyus November 1, 2020
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Man about Town. Can be seen at most local watering holes and/or golfing establishments. Usually a Tottenham Hotspurs Fan. Superpowers include: Flight. Banter. Flexible Hips.

Also capable of achieving superhuman feats using Tongue such as: Deadlifting Bollocks,
Tongue press ups. Infinite Tongue Licks.

Approach with caution. Friendly exterior gives way to deep seated aggression. Often mistaken for an inbetweener.
"Look over there, I think it's Simon Tongue"
"No, its just an inbetweener with a golf club"

"Bloody hell mate did you see that fight?"
"Yeah he gave more licks than Simon Tongue"
by RubbaDinghyRapidsBro September 16, 2015
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