damn thats a glass cannon
by twwhw February 6, 2022
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EVE Onlines bombers, like Nemesis.
Person 1: dude there’s a Nemesis on D-Scan.
Dude: don’t worry it’s a glass cannon, you should be able to blow it up
by VesperTheCoffeeAddict August 2, 2022
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A wearisome, vacuous windbag that takes any opportunity to spout Guardian-esque pinko rhetoric in relation to any left-wing hobby-horse as if they were an authority that cannot be challenged or questioned.
"That twerp Tarquin's mouth sewer was firing out the Mayor's tripe about air quality in the pub again last night as if it's not a smoke screen for more stealth taxation. What a total Cause Cannon."
by LastRealist August 29, 2023
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Sprinkle cocaine on a hookers butthole then have her fart in your face. The puff looks like cannon smoke.
Charlie Sheen holds the record for the most cases of pink eye from cannon smoke.
by DWamp81 July 9, 2022
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Expansion on Dusty Canyon-
(n) When one crushes some sort of dry food, such as Saltines, and sprinkles the crumbs in an unsuspecting other's visible buttcrack then one suddenly expels flatulence spraying the crumbs and dusty forcibly like the projection of a cannonball and smoke that follows.
Frank gave Bob a dusty canyon, and when Bob ripped one a few seconds later the joke was on Fank with a dusty cannon.
by Jbobrn September 6, 2017
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When a man commits premature ejaculation as she is direct his penis into her vagina.
Izzy was surprised when she turned his penis into a real hand cannon.
by chand1012 February 29, 2016
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