Walnut, Tahini, and Fudge Brownie
Person A: Whatya eatin'?
Person B: a WTF Brownie
Person A: WTF is that? Is that even real!?
Person B: The Walnut, Tahini, Fudge Brownie.
Person A: I gotta have some...
by tiky May 20, 2021
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when you've possibly done a world record poo.
where have you been?
sorry bro I just had a footlong brownie.
by footlongbrownie November 28, 2020
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When you drop a log on your lovers pillow after an unpleasant sexual encounter. Usually post 1 night stand. Usually signifying your desire to never see this person again.
This girl I met at the bar invited me over to her place last night, then wouldn't even let me grab tit.
Needless to say I left her a Kappler brownie and got the hell outta there.
by skini.love March 16, 2016
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A concept where you invite your friends for a party where you will consume brownies that have weed in them
Do you want to come to my brownie party?
by 1233456ads March 7, 2023
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when you drive to Cordell, and eat some brownies in a motel.
Hunter: Man I could absolutely destroy a motel brownie right now.
Seth: Yeah
by HUNGRY4ROCKS November 20, 2021
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