The act of unknowingly sticking two fingers up your partners ass real quick, once they turn around surprised the you smear your fingers across their forehead while saying “Simbaah” from the lion king. (The elephant graveyard is the dark land in Lion King)
Last night I gave my girl an Elephant Graveyard Surprise and she was not happy.
by RL91 July 4, 2022
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Thee act of taking a water noodle with a best bud and inserting your cock into both sides of the noodle playing a little tug of war type game where who ever pisses harder wins and the loser is stuck with some nice hot cider dripping down their legs
So me and my bro were sick of the same old same old and tried the elephant spout with the nieghborhood kids kicking their asses they sucked major dick calling them Miles Davis
by JoeTHEEAverage November 13, 2011
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When you hit a joint , blunt or anything to smoke weed out of while you’re couching you ghost the hit and stand up really fast and a whole headchange happens
by Stonedtotgebone December 2, 2018
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hey do you know what a pick me elephant is?

oh, it's Joshua Zeppeli
by elana gillbert September 14, 2021
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When you’re giving head to a big dick and he can’t get hard
Girl 1: Oh my god I was giving to head this guys the other day, and you wouldn’t guess what happened!
Girl 2: what happened?!
Girl 1: he had a soggy elephant!!!
by October 29, 2020
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