When a Person or People go on a gaming spree for a long Period of time without stopping and the effects last one-two days
Friend: Dude you look like shit
Friend(2): Sorry, I'm kinda recovering from a (Gaming hangover)
by Lol love ya February 2, 2016
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the grogginess and floaty feeling you get waking up the morning after eating an edible
“dude those edibles we made were amazing”
“yeah man i had a crazy edible hangover the next day
by _jujutsu October 30, 2019
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When you get a good nights sleep, waking up is the equivelant is that of a hangover.
"Did you see that college girl?"
"Yeah what about her"
"She looks like she has a sleep hangover."
by rugbygirl15 October 30, 2011
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When the 2 NFL teams that competed in the super bowl suck the following season
Person 1: Hey didn't the rams win the super bowl? Why are they bad?
Person 2: They have Super Bowl Hangover.
by boybeluger November 7, 2022
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1. The aftermath of alcohol use during the Super Bowl
2. The drowsiness and fatigue after staying up all night watching the Super Bowl(non-alcoholic)
I woke up this morning with a Super Bowl Hangover after celebrating my team's win late into the night.
by Lana B. February 7, 2011
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The super bowl hangover is what happens when a team loses the super bowl and they become trash all of a sudden. They become a laughing stock in the league and all of their bandwagon fans will jump to the Super Bowl Champion.
The 49ers had a Super Bowl Hangover in 2020 because they lost and all their players got injured. They missed the playoffs and the bandwagon fans are now wearing Chiefs jerseys
by Tallwer December 31, 2021
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Most common side effect from absorbing strikes of the ruthless mixed martial artist Jude Chibuzor aka The Hurricane.
I sure cashed out from the cage fight but the Hurricane Hangover keeps coming
by Xan Xphan December 24, 2021
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