A chav is a person who wears 95s just like lee j lowdon
“Look at that chav wearing 95s! Ew
by Snsksjs November 23, 2018
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An individual showing excessive bias for a group.

short for - chauvinist
The unnerving glare cast by the chav made me feel uneasy as I clearly did not don the appropriate attire necessary to fit in.
by Mitch_B March 25, 2023
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An overly spray tanned smoker who wears the heaviest fake eyelashes and lip fillers. Can usually be find in athleisure that is too small and a full face of makeup. They lurk around fast food joints and use their long acrylic nails to attract male counterparts to impregnate them.
Why is that girl orange? Oh never mind, it’s a chav.
by darwinshell January 6, 2022
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A typically poor English teen guy
Oi look at those chavs over there
by "Enter name here" June 19, 2018
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