when an electrical appliance / machine like a photocopier, computer / printer doesn't want to work and in a vain attempt to get the said appliance working, the user will kick (boot) the machine / appliance to try and get it to work
"the photocopier doesn't seem to be working"

"here let me see if I can re-boot it"
by red booter July 30, 2012
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When an unsuspecting person believes they are in a monogamous relationship with someone, but the other party was lying, cheating and stringing them along the entire time, while they were just pretending they were committed to a future together, thus making the entire thing a one sided fantasy. It was never a real relationship.
I should have ended that re-fak-tionship with that lying bastard a long time ago.
by Foot in the fire October 13, 2022
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As in buyer's remorse this term also refers to the post purchase experience. In this case it would be when you rekindle the excitement of an old purchase, that you take for granted now, by talking about it to someone you haven't seen since you bought the item.
I hadn't seen Bob in six months. I can show him the latest iphone I bought a couple of months ago! He'll be envious and I'll get me some buyer's re-worth!
by mjake1 August 8, 2011
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To dick again.
She came for a "re-dick", again and again!
by rigger August 15, 2020
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Getting a hard-on too soon after cumming, and requiring you to punch your dick until it gets soft again, to avoid priapism.
"Shit man, I jerked off twice today, and my dick just got hard again. That re-boner shit ain't good for you, so I did a little preemptive strike with some fridge door slams. Problem solved."

"Uh. Word."
by zombieskin October 14, 2011
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The action of going back to the bathroom for a razor, even though you just shaved. Because you missed a bit.
Dammit, I gotta go re-shave. I missed this one hair on my Adam's apple...
by Locus0mega March 11, 2011
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Piece of shit car, truck, or sweet van in the reservation. Usually rusty and has loud exhaust. More than likely if it is a truck will be hauling equally junky motorized toys such as four wheelers (hondas) and old snowmobiles. Free lawn mowers are a prize for the beds of these trucks.
Did you see Tom Zoom's new truck?! Yeah, that thing is a real Res Banger. The bumper fell off when he pulled his blown up el Tigre out of it.
by Teepee Creepin' Good time December 20, 2010
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