When you mind your own business and do what brings you happiness and joy without worrying what other people have to say.
You do you and don't worry about what others think.
by Kopf Consulting September 11, 2021
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When you have a bush in your front lawn, it means you have lot's of hair in a certain place...;)
Boy:"Hey, do you have a bush in your front lawn?"
Girl:"Hell yea! I have a whole garden"
by Jordatha March 23, 2017
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Meaning, not only am I not what you called me, I’m fucking better than you so get on your knees little bitch. An phrase to establish dominance, usually said after flipping something. Commonly used by “real” “niggas”.
Jim: “ hey reqeese I heard you didn’t make the basketball team”
Requisite: “ do YOU even skate?”
Jim: *sucks risk’s dick
Lyle: “nigga moment
by RakeRackRerusalem May 10, 2019
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a veiled threat, to 'make someone do magic' means you will make them fly (as in off a tall building), make them disappear (as in go missing indefinitely), or get sawed in half (as in literally cut in fucking half) or stay under water for 10 minutes (as in drowned in fucking water)
by Beez Leboss November 12, 2012
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Similar to "do you listen to girl in red?", this question is a code question that a few people ask whether they are HBTQ or not. Kerwhizz itself, is seen as a gay show by people like ThatOneGensixer.
Hiko: Hej Hako, do you watch Kerwhizz?
Hako: Yeah, I'm 100% queer.
Hiko: Cool.
by MissSaikou February 17, 2021
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Before I change my mind.
Please please be on your way quick, I'm struggling ATM. I need...

At 1 I'm going back inside.
Fuck I hope you're on your way I can't stay outside much longer I'm going to be sick.
Do you really?
Well, I guess I got my answer... Actions speak louder than words.

Thanks for showing me how much of a fool I am once again... I can't believe how stupid I am to fall for it again.

This fucking hurts so bad, you could've just told me the truth, I'm a big girl I can take it. But no, you had to make me so ecstatic, so excited and happy, and then rip it away and tear my heart out of my chest all over again. What the hell did I do to make you hate me so much that you keep hurting me? Don't worry message received, I'll leave you the fuck alone, you don't have to worry about me bothering you anymore
I love you. I love you too. Do you really or do I just fill a hole in your heart an empty space in your house? /Sobs/
by S.W.A.L.K.J.F.P.J.P. October 13, 2023
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