dumb kid whos mom works as a stripper and lives on the streets.
aaron - "yo im finna ride the bus with eddie liu's metro card"
evan - "tf u do bro did u steal it from that retarded kid whos mom works as a stripper?"
aaron - "yes bro lets ride it with the homies
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The man, the myth, the legend. It is written that Sir Edward McTusan, AKA "Eddie McTusan" is the greatest Australian Footy player to have ever played the game,
Well, he's certainly no Eddie McTusan but that Aussie sure can play footy.
by JJDST October 25, 2011
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When you pleasure yourself, and ur dick sneezes in 5 mins or less. Usually in a very unsatisfying way.
Billy didn't have time to do any edging, and was left considering his life decisions after the resulting easy eddie
by MinivanMafiaMan January 18, 2022
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Exit a channel of water via the "eddy", it will swirl you out of the eiver and back out, to the river bank
Eddy out!! Gtfo bro.
by dezvarnish May 3, 2022
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When you're having intercourse from behind, slip it in their anus.
When we having sex, I changed it up and gave her a Cousin Eddie
by Slack Panther January 2, 2022
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This refers to kid who live in farifax in the ghetto. he is whit as can be but yet insist on being or acting black he drives a s-dime and its so shitty it has more bondo then a bondo factory, he is a poser. he is defently the most pathetic peice of crap in the world and im tired of his compton ass shit! Note: he got the smallest dick u can imagine and i have proof from all his gf's.
Black kid: "yo that compton ass eddie is a poser, he think he black, lets bank him nigga"
by beanie shmegals March 11, 2005
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A mans with big toasted brown hands and a 30 foot peni
I don’t play it like Shaggy, you’ll know that shit was me because after I hit it she’ll b like

Oooohhh Eddie G
by Coldshaktitty December 7, 2017
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