A condition in which and individual is persistently viewed as socially awkward or weird to the point of it causing them stress in their social life and interactions with others. Awkward referring to the perception of the behavior by others and a stamp to describe the affliction. It's still not fully known if an awkward stamp is developed or something that one is born with but it usually does seem to manifest itself even in early childhood. Awkward stamp does affect males by far more than females. Those with an awkward stamp may develop faster than their peers and be completely fine intellectually but struggle socializing with others and communicating certain things via living up to societal expectations and whatnot. Individuals with an awkward stamp may often be referred to as weird by their peers and have a higher rate of being socially outcasted or just outright harassed and mocked. People with this may often also have a lot of unorthodox beliefs that can be misconstrued or have obscure or uncommon passions.
Student A : Student B is acting so weird

Teacher : Student B has an awkward stamp, please be patient with them and respectful
Student A : I'm sorry I did not know that. Good to know now then.
by Joseph Sneep September 23, 2023
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A moment in any relationship where awkwardness is clearly present.
You can clearly see the awkwardness in conversations such as this below.

Guy: ._. I have no idea what to say.. We haven't broken the awkward barrier yet. And I'm totally gonna define "awkward barrier" right now :
Girl: Awesome. Do it.
Guy: I will.
Girl: Awesome. Lmao
Guy: It's awesome how you use the word "awesome" a lot..
by TheOppositeOfYou November 20, 2011
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1. A term meaning the person is unsure how to be feminine or doesn't know how to convey femininity.

Not to be confused with being shy or coy.

The term is for those whove never tried to, never been or just find it hard to be feminine.

For the person who believes themselves too masculine or acting in a way.
Poor joanna was in a fix. Being Feminine and doing it around men were two thing that did not compute. Years in gym may have given her muscle, a great figure and the ability to bench press a bus but not insight.
Guess she was a little Femininely awkward
by Theamazinggeek December 16, 2019
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A bush that needs to be trimmed up... ALOT.
She had such an awkward bush, it gave me rugburn.
by ascott11 January 23, 2011
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In Edinburgh when a lad from the South of England does something anti-banterous lads from Scotland will chant 'Awkward Bromley' whilst dropping one hand in a queer motion and making an England flag cross with the other
Ryan: Want to go and see the Dundee game?
James: Nah, I'm better than that, I'm from England, I'll watch the rugby instead.
Ryan: Awkward Bromley, Awkward Bromley, Awkward Bromley...
by SevenFiveBannaaa March 14, 2012
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Socially awkward, but in the form of online conversations or text.
Sorry I suck at starting conversations, I'm a bit cyber awkward
by ihateharrybautista May 6, 2019
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