A white slightly overweight girl, with no muscle tone, who resembles a loaf of white bimbo bread. Ghetto, Trashy, Outdated, Out of place
Who is that?

Oh, that’s just “white bread
by A s d f g t November 16, 2019
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A caucasian male that is average, predictable, and usually boring. He may come from a wealthy family and is just like all of the other rich white kids..... basic
That guy is definitely white bread

My “type” is white bread
by Lil tay’s sister June 5, 2018
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A symbol used by supporters of white supremacy.
Let's bring out the white bread to support the American President's plan to build the wall on the Mexican border to make sure America is not overrun by Latino immigrants.
by Symbol analyzer November 5, 2018
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An incredibly basic or boring person that brings nothing to the table in everyday life or conversation.

Someone you really don't want to be friends with.

Synonym: Mayo
Abbreviation: WB
"These girls I work with at my new job are the worst" -Jules
"Why?" -AP
"They're sooooo boring, just some straight up White Bread bitches.
by Snaplatts January 19, 2018
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When somebody who is pale af that goes on holiday and comes back like Casper the ghost
She was pale before but f me she’s a white chicken now
by Naho94 September 9, 2022
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