what you always put into a graphing calculator when you're bored. gives kinda underwhelming results.
i dont know what these "sin" "cos" and "tan" buttons do but they seem like cool math stuff so lemme put sin(cos(tan(x))) into my calculator
by < ^ > v March 30, 2023
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A simple, WIP Compound, Gender Neutral, All Identifiers, Pronoun for today's (They/She/He) representatives. Combining centuries old Pronoun identifiers Co(nongendered), and Thon(that one, he, she, or it) into a simpler way of describing someone as a nongendered, they/them/he/she/him/her person, without confusing the 3 centuries old linguist term "They" in writing. Optional P.S. potential insight if ya didn't know, All intelligently aware things that can notify you of their appropriate pronouns, Name, or Title, most likely appreciate others for respectfully identifying them by what they requested, as a form of basic politeful respect, for your small kindness in doing so, The same should be expected back at you from them for you, for basic empathy & politeful respect (which for us humans, is a rare good trait) to another fellow thing. You have the right to refuse such personal basic respectful things, especially if they shove it down your throat all negatively toxic like, or if they just refuse to acknowledge and respect you despite you respecting them, but in most other cases though, be prepared for the consequences for not respectfully complying, alongside Judgement.


A easy to use WIP Gender Neutral, Compound Pronoun term that appropariately identifys (They,She,He) all without misgendering another's known/unknown preferred pronouns in a polite way and not messing with the linguist term in writing,"They" Feel free to use co and thon by itself whenever necessary
I was talking to my co-thon friend the other day, co-thon was puffing dandelions and drinking nectar; they are a nice hummingbird.
Charlie at the raisin factory recently came out as a co-thon, saying co-thon will cover the shift, whether Co with others or Co-self.
In Recent Debates on the subject of 2 genders from the past millenium. A group of people have emerged time and time again to come identify themselves as Co-thons and we are deeply sorry if we upset any co-thons out there that felt like we didn't include them amongst our race.
by Ninjaboi J.A.M September 3, 2021
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When a girl's boyfriend is emotionally distant/abusive, and she doesn't want to just end the relationship, she may seek the comfort of a co-boyfriend. The co-boyfriend hears her complaints, and this allows the broken relationship to continue on a bit longer.
Trina's boyfriend doesn't listen to her problems, so she talks to her co-boyfriend Jack about how shitty her boyfriend is instead of just DTMFA (dumping the motherfucker already).
by Jack-o-slantern April 7, 2014
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“i just watched cos”
“ew that’s the worst harry potter film
by cheifoon August 26, 2022
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Survey shows 38% of cos intend to hire job seekers.
by Dismemo July 29, 2021
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Short abbreviation of "Broncos" or "Denver Broncos". Used primarily on Twitter and Instagram.
Player: Broncos Country I'm here!!

Fan: Hell yeah so excited you're on the Cos!!
by BroncosCountryLetsGo March 20, 2022
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