13 definitions by < ^ > v

what you always put into a graphing calculator when you're bored. gives kinda underwhelming results.
i dont know what these "sin" "cos" and "tan" buttons do but they seem like cool math stuff so lemme put sin(cos(tan(x))) into my calculator
by < ^ > v March 30, 2023
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it's literally a number. what do you expect? some kind of meaning? or some kind of wierd love poem unrelated to the number?
lol, 296

keep searching numbers lol, you're almost at 300!
by < ^ > v March 10, 2023
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woah you're super lucky! you've just found a sacred amogus by typing something random in the search bar!


collect more amogusses by typing random stuff in the search bar
by < ^ > v April 15, 2023
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something you type every freaking time you try to type an l
he;;o there my name is ;arry and i ;ike ;igma ba;;s
by < ^ > v March 31, 2023
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when you don't have an idea for an urban dictionary definition, so you break the fourth wall and hope that it's relatable.
by < ^ > v May 24, 2023
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something that youtube subtitles keep saying when the video doesn't have any audible words.

note: this was misspelled on purpose so that my definition would get noticed more easily

youtube subtitles:
thank you
by < ^ > v March 30, 2023
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4 letters that are literally the same thing
now find the "a"
by < ^ > v March 31, 2023
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