A sexual act resulting in lamentation; rape.
You hear about the new quarterback, Kirk? He just got arrested for giving some chick a barbarian wedding.
by CapAp August 9, 2006
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when a fine lady gets her man settles down and gets married then proceeds to pile on the pounds thus becoming a wed zepplin
wow Kim was fine back in the day but shes a wed zepplin now, i would'nt bone her with yours buddy
by guinnessdrinker June 8, 2009
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the act of getting stabbed in the stomach repeatedly and then getting the your throat cut.
Dont go against the Lannisters or they will give you a red wedding
by El Chalupacabre June 17, 2013
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A marriage that is forced upon a couple usually by the parents of the bride due to either an unplanned pregnancy or pre-marital relations.
Sarah Palin publicly announced her daughter's shotgun wedding in September 2008.
by superlazy September 3, 2008
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An entree, typically served at lower budget wedding receptions and/or catered functions, consisting composite chicken masquerading as chicken breast and typically smothered in gravy or some kind of sauce to hide the fact that it is both bone dry and disgusting.
Friend 1 "How was Megan's wedding reception?"

Friend 2 "The band was nice but the wedding chicken they served was so terrible we all went to Outback Steakhouse afterwards to get the taste out of our mouths!"
by DDJudge April 27, 2011
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A wedding in which the bride can wear white for the traditional reason, that she is a virgin. Extremely rare these days, so much that it is often used ironically, such as in the Billy Idol song.
Drew: "I can't believe my little sister is getting married."
Billy: "Yeah, it's a nice day for a white wedding. HAHAHAHA!!!"
Drew: "Shut up dude, she's a virgin."
Billy: "Riiight...I seem to remember one night after she finished at the strip club, it was me, Joey, Kevin, Dan, Dr. Dre, the Dave Matthews Band, the Denver Broncos, the Penn State chapters of SAE, Sigma Chi, and KA, the guys from 'Jackass'...yeah, we all hit that."
Drew: "You idiot. Indabutt doesn't count."
Billy: "Sorry, man, you're right. She's as pure as the driven snow. I guess that's why she's 6 months pregnant and your dad's standing behind the groom with a shotgun while he sweats like a pig in a sauna."
Drew: "What the fuck?!? That dirty little slut!"
by Nick D July 22, 2004
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When someone who has been off cocaine relapses and begins to do it again, it is called a "white wedding".
"I've been away for so long
I let you go for so long

It's a nice day to start again
It's a nice day for a white wedding"

-Billy Idol's "White Wedding", referring to relapsing on cocaine
by Balliztik1 June 8, 2009
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