A phrase used on virtually every mass-marketed package around the globe. Its primary purpose is to inform one that tearing the package near where the phrase is located will cause the bag to open.

It never works.
(Bag): Tear here ->
(You): *Trying to tear* "God dammit."
by God_Hand March 11, 2009
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1) to be out there makin mad gwop.
2) to be out there fashion wise. exclusive clothing.
3) to be out on the GRIND, sellin that dope, those bricks, etc
1) im out here workin makin that gwop.
2) my clothing is OUT HERE!
3) im out here, sellin canes on the block.
by NAS! November 29, 2007
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this is an infinately more irritating variation on the infamous "are we theeeeere yet?" question, which is relentlessly asked by bored children on long car jouneys.
whereas the question "are we there yet?" makes sense - seeing as you're talking about the place that you are HEADING to that you haven't actually REACHED yet - the question "are we here?" (which is asked as the journey is drawing to a close) is entirely infuriating. the reason is this: whenever, and WHEREever, you utter this question, the answer will always be 'yes! of course we're 'here' you silly child!! you could at least ask an annoying question that makes SENSE!!"
parent: "ooh look, there's the sign for our hotel!"
child: "are we here?"
parent: *flips out and chucks child out of window*
by parlez January 18, 2005
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A phrase usually said by Chicagoan's meaning...
1) To be out making cash
2) To be wildin and having fun; yolo
3) to be deep with your niggahs
4) having a going time out in these streets
by Frozenightmre May 15, 2017
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A term that is not advised by the W3C. Use a catch phrse instead.
for google, click here

check out the google home page!
by lolwut484793ue3j February 23, 2005
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literally the silliest podcast,(elijahhhhh) it has so many cool charecter(ELIJAH.) and a great plot (ELIJAHHHHHHHH)
dude, have you seen chnt (camp here and there)?
by sockypoo (popsicle) September 14, 2023
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What you say before starting a rant.
Totally not hating here but Justin Bieber haircut looks like a mule's genitals.
by Rodkor April 2, 2015
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