Durring intercoures (male or female), the male gives their partener a bukkeke and then immdiately punches their dog in the face.
Damon: "Dude, what happened to Lisa's dog?"

Chris: "IDK...Last I heard Lisa and Chauncey were making out making out and BAMM..Bubba went for a "Chauncey Dog Walk".
by eddiemush June 2, 2011
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When you roast your bro and his hoe when the relationship get's in the way.
"Sorry, mates I gotta take my girl home."
"Make sure to walk your dog safely."
by Meme_buddha October 13, 2019
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A Term used describing when someone is out in public wearing typically Nike slides with no socks.
I saw a man at Walmart today wearing denim shorts and Walking the Dogs
by TheNarrator January 30, 2022
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