When you've overdosed on Extenze and your penis is the size of your fucking forearm. While having sex, bunch nudging is when you try to stick it all in by nudging it inch by inch due to the shear overly-massive, gorilla shit size.
Craig: Yo Dan! I took an insane, bat-shit amount of Extenze other day and now my dick is as big as my leg!
Dan: Dude, it's like you have a third leg!

Make sure you use the Bunch Nudge Method on

Bailey, bro!
Craig: Man, I'll take my chances.

She'll be soar the next morning either way!
by Dr.P.Nis July 29, 2014
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What you usually say when your best friend is talking to their crush.
Bestfriend 1: Hey baby;)
Bestfriend 2: Wink wink, nudge nudge, lick lick lick.
by Nohappienesswithoutcqre January 2, 2016
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The act of trying to wake your partner up in the middle of the night for sex. When she doesnt wake up, you ass blast her any who.
My fucking wife wouldnt wake up last night so I had to nudge her and fudge her. When I was done I realized she was dead.
by bt February 27, 2003
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When your trying to evade a dude after you pissed them off royally by mouthing off to them and as your walking away, they come charging up behind you, fists in the air, chests out to here but they make no physical contact with you. Like being in a cock fight stance. Fir any reason you are found righteous in or when it's not warrented. As if he's either bullying you, he's in the wrong because you caught him with your woman after he lied to you about her or you just choose to take the high road cuz you know you were right about something and he can't take he was wrong or exposed. He comes charging after you as if to bull rush you but then stops himself as if he suddenly forgot what he was doing or is all of the sudden reserved and calm. It's a tactic to get the other person to bite back, to suggest "Let's fight Muther Fucker!". Usually followed by carefully chosen antagonistic fightin' words like "Sissy", "Pussy", "Bitch", "Fagot". The nudge is the sudden stop in physical rage to a sudden shift in tone of voice and body language to a kinda seductive, aggravating verbal tease that just tickles your emotions.
Amoury: "Davison tried Bull Nudging me today, like I'm fucking retarded!"
Nadine: "What do you mean by retarded?"
Amoury: "Like, I know I'm right, he knows I'm right but dude can't handle swimmin' in the public humility pool. He thinks rushing and provoking me with some lame name calling is gonna get me going. What a joke!! He'll never get me to fight him, Its all TV show, dramatic effect and I don't have to waste my time or energy to prove shit to the dude or anyone else, proof has been proven. He's wrong, I'm right. Miss me with the dramatic effects. I won't fight. Why do it?"
Nadine: " That's right, tuck that red rag in your pocket & maturely turn and walk away from all the bullshit. Cuz it's all around you!"

Amoury: "Yeah, I wanna keep my shoes clean today, shit free!"
by 3DPuzzlePisces♓ March 31, 2023
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When someone encourages you to take the slightly more evil option. Largely for there own amusement
Sorry guys was goin to offer you a ride but Leah gave me the Demon nudge. And said " make them walk they need the exercise" .
by Groundhogg June 4, 2017
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When your drunk friend needs a push up stairs or to navigate a bar.
Brendan...drunk off his ass again, almost fell on his face on the way to the second bar in his crawl. His friends decided to give that wasted ass a Times Square Nudge to get him into the next spot. The next morning he thanked them for the ‘nudge
by Kobrakys March 29, 2018
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