The act of being stoked. Awesome/cool/digging it.
"Woah that guy's live set is stoking."
by xbe November 15, 2011
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The word 'stoked' broken down simply means, "Stoned on coke". Coke, being the drug used to snort or smoke. Although most people redefine it as being "intensely enthusiastic" "exhilirated", or excited about something.
Billy was stoked to see his girlfriend, Janice, in three days.

Jenny was stoked after partying with her friends in the club, then the cops showed up.
by blondie127 July 8, 2009
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to use a long smallish pointy instrument of some kind to clean your pipe/cone peice of any gunk etc.
Man this pipe needs a stoke bad.
by crazyeddieman December 22, 2005
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A smut whoz after girlz bf
god, keep your boyz away from her shes a stoke
by Californiagirl20394 March 3, 2005
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A state of happiness/excitement beyond just stoked. When heard shouting "Stoked Steve", people are immediately drawn to your voice, wondering one of two things: (1) you are high on a combination of methamphetamine and crack cocaine or (2) something wonderful in your life just happened. A feeling that many of us will experience just once in our lives, no better presentation of this emotion can be seen through the video of "Said Guy".
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A meter used to measure one's most important vitals – their stoke.
My dawgs and I were scooting on some birds along the beach trail listening to yacht rock when I saved a turtle from choking on a plastic straw. my stoke tank was frooothing.
by HandsomeSolo December 1, 2019
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A person, male or female, that makes up stories about their life to make themselves sound more interesting or bad ass. Usually found when talking to others over the internet.
Bob: "I met another John Stoke on Xbox Live today."
Joe: "Was this one a green beret stationed in Germany too?"
by Swebberz July 6, 2012
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