After making sweet Anal love to a woman , the man proceeds to remove the condom and shoot it like a rubber band onto the woman's chest.
when we were done, I gave her a brown snapper that was quite a mess!
by AJ1 December 18, 2007
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When you have a hard-on and you accidentally contort your penis in a way that causes discomfort or pain.
Friend 1: Dude, I had the biggest boner yesterday after school and when I climbed over a fence to take a shortcut to my house, my dick felt like it broke in half.

Friend 2: Bro, sounds like a total shaft snapper.
by MattyK717 November 5, 2015
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To gently place your vagina across the bridge of your sleeping partner's nose, and proceed to clamp down with the lips of the vagina. When your unsuspecting guest identifies the smell and relentless grasp of a warm sensation on their face you say, "Snap, Snap!" For proper execution, place anus over forehead and squat down. For heavier sleepers, flatulence may be required. Not to be confused with "Good Morning Beautiful.",
Like a Killer Ninja Turtle, Lynn slowly executed a textbook clam snapper on John's nose and said, "Snap, Snap!
by Lady Godsmack September 4, 2010
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A woman's vagina that is so ferocious it literally gobbles up a penis
Son, watch out for that one! She's got a tallahassee snapper that you might not walk away from!
by TheoldBeardman March 1, 2021
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(noun) Someone who likes to burst someone else's bubble. It is usually someone who is sober that is bursting (snapping) a drunk person's bubble. Can be used in lieu of "ball buster".
Ethan= Man I'm feeling so good right now, I'm gonna go talk to that chick at the end of the bar.

Jack= I dunno man, she might be to hot for you.

Ethan= Jack, why are such a sober snapper.
by BJA1990 June 28, 2011
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Someone who irritates you so bad that your balls snap.
i.e. Tj Jackson
Boy Bob sure has turned into a real ball snapper!
by lays2 May 17, 2014
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