A shit so terrible that you start shivering from the domination it has over your body. This is normally accompanied by the need to take off all clothing for comfort, as well as a sharp pain running along your rectum.
Dude, never eat omelets for three days in a row and pretend a salad will work-- gave me shiver shits for an entire night.
by TheThickening May 18, 2014
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A mini-seizure typically induced by cold weather. Usually is quite embarrassing, and occurs frequently. Occasionally can be mistaken for epilepsy.
Person 1: It's so cold. We shouldn't be snowboarding. *shiver twitch*
Person 2: BELLA, you just shook the chairlift with your shiver twitch!
by bellabellabelladancerella January 31, 2009
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Having a brief shudder or shiver while you're taking a piss.
Damn I keep getting those shiver leaks in the morning
by leakguy August 15, 2007
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cobalt shiver is a threat. it is usually used when some one does you dirty.
That guy swiped my girl now he is going to feel the cobalt shiver.

by SHAUN FARRELL February 13, 2006
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The same as fanny flutter, the excitement you get in the vagina when sexually aroused
He was so hot he gave me quim shivers just looking at him
by Preshka August 15, 2018
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When you randomly shiver/flinch throughout your whole body for no reason, as if you were possessed. Hence the world Devil.
Ooh, I just got a Devils shiver.”
by IamJungkooksWifeTeehee September 5, 2021
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johnny found a great video on pornhub, and proceeded to beat to it. After finishing, he got the jizz shivers, along with a little guilt as well.
by YOHOMI33S December 22, 2013
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