to pump your arms while walking in a fast peculiar way.
I like to run the 100m dash
by monksean4 March 12, 2019
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*Person1 chases Person2 for a year*
by IS THAT REAL February 4, 2021
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Something you can only do for a short amount of time before they catch you
You can try running, but you’ve already lost
by The Person Who Just Ended You September 21, 2019
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Free and healthy drugs. Better than sex. Amazing feeling. Rewarding. Friend-making activity that saves lives. Anyone can run!!!
Bob-Hey mike did you run with Larry last night?
mike- NO! i ran with Chad.
bob- isn't running fun?
by jaydub1975 October 18, 2019
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A physical activity that can make person feel happy.
When I run there is no past,no future,no problem. Only the joy of happiness I experience.

Also it can be dangerous if you don't run in proper way and in proper amount. Or else you might say goodbye to your knees in short term.
- Miles, what do you do first thing in the morning?
+ I wash my face and go for a run. The joy I feel can't be described.

- Sounds like a hars thing to do. I can barely open my eyes in the morning.
+ It was challenging at first but for I knew how I like running, I adapted myself pretty quick to it.
by Nekes12 May 1, 2021
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when your stomach hurts badly and everything and everyone just pisses you off and soon after you have to RUN to the toilet to take a shit. Kind of like having diarrhea .
by bubbeguppy July 2, 2019
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One of the most basic terms in ebonics, this is essential to know. The word bitch is not necessarily derogatory in this case. Usually used to coax a laugh out of one's homies.
See Jane run. Run, bitch, run (for your life)!
by Matthias Drake May 22, 2006
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