The words uttered by a man in his car before he sadly shot up the Christchurch mosque, killing more than 50 people.
Car: *Beep*
Brenton: "Remember Lads, Subscribe to Pewdiepie."
by ultragamer066 April 7, 2019
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I don’t remember asking is the perfect way to ruin someone’s moment, as soon as their telling you something use it. It ruins their day.
Yo that’s crazy but I don’t remember asking
“So me and my friend were driving...”
Ay that’s crazy but I don’t remember asking”
by Biggie cheese uses biggie pp January 7, 2020
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A joke reference to an old animation of TF2 Red Soldier's father saying that dying is game over an anime background.
Father: "Remember son dying is gay"
Son: "Yes Father"
by Natorithm September 23, 2021
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A (usually defensive) phrase used when someone brings up something embarassing or something you wanted to have forgotten and you want to divert the subject from you to them
Devin: Hey, Carol do you remember that time you tripped and faceplanted right into my locker? ;) Carol: Why do you remember that?!
by Cassie... January 15, 2011
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Phrase spoken when someone is acting childish, with specific mention of what the person is acting childish about immediately after the phrase is spoken. It is designed to draw attention to what the person is acting childish about in an attempt to get them to stop acting childish.
1. *person 1 is playing flip cup with 1/10 of a cup*
Person 2: I remember MY first beer

2. *person 1 is playing hockey and over celebrates after scoring a goal*
Person 2: I remember MY first goal

3. *person 1 gets a text message and is overjoyed that someone sent them a message*
Person 2: I remember MY first text message.
by Charwinger21 April 17, 2011
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something to say to your friends when you didn’t ask for what they just said.
dylan: bro i got 100% on my test!!
tyler: that’s cool but i don’t remember asking
by tbrockman76 April 8, 2020
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When the person you had a bonding moment with isn’t ready to accept they have feelings for you so they deny you cradling them in your arms.
“We had a bonding moment! I CRADLED YOU IN MY ARMS!” “nope don’t remember didn’t happen
by dontneedtoknowthat June 27, 2018
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