1. The universally recognized "P word"
2. N. Implying complete and utter confusion
3. N. a really stupid person
4. V. To procreate
5. adj. Can be used to modify any word for more passion
6. Int. Expresses disgust
7. Int. Expresses complete surprise and joy
8. adv. Can be used to make a command more urgent
1. I do not accept the "P word" as your name
2. What in the pickle?
3. You stupid pickle!
4. I suggest we go pickle in your mothers bed while eating crackers and petting a cat name mittens!
5. This pickling guy was so pickling weird. He asked me if I was pickling insane.
6. Aw, PICKLES!!
7. Holy pickles! You guys rock!
8. Just pickling jump before I pickling kick you in the balls!
by jebus0 August 25, 2009
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When a woman bites of yo dick and chews it
“Yo she gave me a pickle last night I had to go to the hospital and try pissing
by The real sex October 18, 2017
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Procrastinating incompetent cunt knowingly lacking education (P.I.C.K.L.E.).
You dumbass pickle, why didn't you just read the instructions.
by CrazyATLAS June 20, 2018
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When a man soaks his penis inside of a woman's acidic vagina for several hours until his erection dies down and the pH of the woman causes the man's penis to smell and taste vinegary.
Example 1: "I had my fat fucking cock inside of Suzie for at least 5 hours trying to break a soaking record, but when I pulled out shit was str8 pickle."

Example 2: "I think the DNA in my weiner is now more similar to a pickle than a banana after a phat fucking pickling session I had yesterday with Monique."
by YellowRetriever July 30, 2011
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A cucumber that is put in vinegar, salt etc. water which sits there for a period of time.
I really do not like these pickles
by Says_The_Kid August 14, 2017
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Another way to say penis, dick, or cock.
Amelia likes pickles in her mouth.
by Nofatpants November 8, 2010
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