To pull out of a lady just before you cum.
Manors is the last Metro station stop just before you arrive at Newcastle City Centre.

"ah has having sex me me lass last neet an Aa'd to get off at Manors, hooevah ah ejaculated aal ower hor breasts instead"
by analtwat May 10, 2007
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Pittsburgh's scariest, 100% volunteer haunted house. Located in South Park PA.
"hey, do you want to go to Hundred Acres Manor this weekend?" "Hell yeah, that place scares the piss out of me."
by Elliot Gardner September 21, 2007
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Cortlandt Manor is indeed part of one of the wealthiest counties in the nation but yet somehow fails to find the money for its own police department. Also, the road in front of my house needs to be paved. :(
Come to think of it, if OJ had done it here in Cortlandt Manor, NY, they probably still wouldn't have found the body.
by Jasonius September 9, 2006
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AKA the pharmacy; Filled with a bunch of drug dealers, racist white kids, rich snobs, and just a few normal people. You can’t open a door without getting in trouble and you get detention for forgetting your id. The security guards all have sticks up their asses and water comes out of the ceiling. Don’t forget about the birds who visit. They care more about money and success than students safety so they make everyone come in when the roads are icy enough to kill someone.
Principal: Yeah so it’s a blizzard outside but you guys have to come in and take an Algebra 2 test anyway!
Kids: *Crash car*
Principal: Detention for being late

Kids: We love eastport south manor!
by abcdefuuuuu March 7, 2022
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The local nuthouse of a city called Milton Keynes, often frequented by a village idiot by the name of Pete Winkelman.
The guy is so stupid, they should lock him up in Great Linford Manor
by AFCW April 18, 2004
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A reasonably large town that manages to hold some of the wealthiest people in Westchester county but contributes nothing to society other then a small resteraunt that recently went out of business and a Town Center that's actually located in Mohegan Lake. The Town Center itself is nothing to be proud of because it mearly harbors the towns social and scholarly rejects who cannot find a better way to entertain themselves on any night of the week then hang out in front of Barnes and Noble and get messed up on whatever drugs they can find. Rich socialites who can't afford to live in Bronxville or Chappaqua move here thinking it will be a good place to raise their children. Obviously they are greatly mislead. This town is better defined as the Boondocks of upper westchester.
Man, I don't feel like driving to Cortlandt Manor. I really don't want to hit a deer or a deranged druggie.
by CTCGOD August 23, 2005
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A predominantly black all-women's college in Chestnut Hill, MA which claims to be the most diverse college in the U.S.

It isn't really's just the opposite of traditional!!!

It recruits from inner city or dare I say..."Ghetto" school systems, and is not known for polite, classy students.

Most of the schools students think it is okay to use "dis" and "dat" in college essays, as the words "this" and "that".

The colleges GPA is 2.1....need I say more?
"Dammmmnnnnn Nigga! Pine Manor College GeTs ShIt PoPpIn WhEn ThEiR AiNt ShIt tO Do!"
by exPMCstudent August 9, 2009
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