When you keep laughing hysterically and cannot stop.
Person 1: hahahahahahah

Person 2: hahahahahahah

Person 1: hahaha I hahaha think hahahaha we hahahahah have hahahah laughteritis hahahaha

Person 2: hahahah yeah hahahah I hahahah think hahaha so hahahahhahahahahaha
by localgerl21 April 23, 2009
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A nervous chuckle when you don't understand.
I think you got baffle laughter from that joke.
by Ereck Flowers May 3, 2019
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When your smoking marijuana with all of your friends, and one person starts laughing, causing the other person to laugh, and so on. This usually ends up with all the friends laughing at once like retards until someone realizes that they are all laughing at nothing - then they laugh even harder.
Last night I started the chain of laughter while holding in my hit because I started laughing my ass off because it felt like the THC was tickling my throat.
by danielttt3 August 31, 2009
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Courtesy laughter is extended to the boss or someone that believe's they are important any time they say anything that is either remotely funny or not funny at all. Usually heard in board rooms in front of the customer or anyone else that may have influence on project funding.
Boss: "Thanks everybody for coming to the meeting and making me feel important"

Boardroom: "He......he.....he...he...."

Alan (whispering): "Damn, did you hear Jeff? That kiss-ass had the loudest courtesy laughter in the room".
by Dulaney71 August 27, 2014
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To intake cum through the mouth or vagina.
Last night I let him laughter in me again.
by Patrolman December 25, 2020
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Bringing small and joy in people's life..
She was said until she was blusted with laughter on her face
by La_flamee November 24, 2021
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