v. When a party conversation reaches a lull, and instead of a simple pause in dialogue, dance moves are seen usually to background music.
The combination of a lull/lolly-gagging and doing a jig.
As the conversation about Frank's girlfriend slowly dissipated a few of the girls began jiggle-gagging to the Cut Copy track pumping in the other room.

"Wow, that was some great Jiggle-Gagging Simone, way to keep the party alive!"
by Zirksu April 29, 2009
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The female version of the rattlesnake wiggle: when a topless woman swings her chest back and forth in your face, causing both her breasticles to make smacking noises as they slap against your cheeks.
His girlfriend gave him a coconut jiggle this morning after she got out of the shower.
by Mudbone February 1, 2008
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A sex position in which a man's butthole is spread open 7 inches and 2 raccoons are inserted.
I had a good jiggle fump with Jerry last night and we spent the entire night in the ER.
by FumpDaddy November 6, 2019
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having big tits or big ass
Girl : *has nice tits*
Boy : Woah do it jiggle?
by akuselalumalas June 17, 2023
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Jiggle Ball is a team sport made up of twenty one players. Twenty players on one team and one on the other. The larger team are all equipt with hard tennis ball sized rubber balls and their aim is to cause as much pain to player by him/herself as possible. The player on the smaller team stands within a marked square 4 feet wide. If the player in the square manages to catch a ball, he/she is alloud to keep it for the duration of the game. The game ends once the player in the middle has caught all the balls and the larger team ahve no balls left to throw at the target.
Hey Rufus, a couple of us gus were planning to play jiggle ball later and wanted to know if you would join in. Jenny says she want to try her luck against twenty of us.
by Public Enemy Number One September 11, 2006
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When a male for female grabs the male genitalia a proceeds to jiggle them around like contact juggling or by quickly moving the hand around shaking the male genitalia.
"Damn Sammantha gave Charles that good Ball Jiggle"
by _Luna__ November 7, 2020
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