A term coined by Wadsworth on Reddit.com.

The Wadsworth Constant is simply either the removal of the first 30% of selected content or the singular usage of only the first 30% of selected content.
Context: "A place formerly used to find out about slang, and now a place that teens with no life use as a burn book to whine about celebrities, their friends, etc., let out their sexual frustrations, show off their racist/sexist/homophobic/anti-(insert religion here) opinions, troll, and babble about things they know nothing about."

Wadsworth Constant Applied: "book to whine about celebrities, their friends, etc., let out their sexual frustrations, show off their racist/sexist/homophobic/anti-(insert religion here) opinions, troll, and babble about things they know nothing about."
by r-wadsworth October 2, 2011
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constant asshole syndrome is when a person will never not stop being an asshole to other people, they seem to just stay in the same negative attitude towards the people that they are around, they are usually like this to people that they don't know very well or think lesser of them.
Steven: Hey man did you hear what tori said to jake over there, she was literally yelling at him for eating his food near customers.
Michael: Ya man I saw that, she just has a really bad case of constant asshole syndrome.
by longmontbeans33 October 2, 2021
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These are people who think that it would kill them to go 2 seconds without saying the f word. They think that it’s cool and fancy to use the f word every two seconds, but they are actually super annoying idiots that have no life. Most of these types of people are aged from 12-18.
Person: What did you have for breakfast?
Constant F-Bomber: I f—ing had a f—ing bowl of f—ing cheerios for f—ing breakfast. What the f— did you have?
by Dray’s Dictionary March 28, 2020
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One who is constantly digging or picking their crevasses (ass, balls, nose or ear) and inspecting what they find.
Everytime I look up I see that boy digging in his nose and checking it out. He would make a great constant garden inspector
by T-Cracker December 27, 2018
A person that is annoying 85% of the time and the other 15% youre already so pissed off it doesnt matter
You can use the theory of constant kabazie to determine which of your friends is like that.
by HAIRLESS YETI November 8, 2015
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Generally denoted by K, the universal constant is used in calculating the proper density and distribution of smoke detectors in a house hallway. While the constant can not be mathematically derived, it's value has been estimated at 150, and has units of square feet/kitchen*staircase.
Dude, to be able to tell you how many smoke detectors you'll need, I need to know the proper universal hallway constant.
by Fire Safety October 21, 2010
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When watching online videos, the Wadsworth Constant states the first 30% of the video will not be pertinent or necessary. The viewer will be able to watch the second 70% without any loss.

This theory holds true to most videos and statements, assuming everything is rounded to the most logical point.
Wadsworth Constant: the intro is bullshit, skip to there, you'll get it.
by Moldyyyyyt October 2, 2011
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