It's like a Cleveland Steamer but with saran wrap.
When I hang out with Jahrel, we always take a trip down the hot chocolate river.
by Am@nda March 8, 2016
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When an individual takes a coffee-induced bowel movement in another individual's mouth. The feces itself is the Colombian hot chocolate.
Everyone made fun of Ed for his taboo love of Colombian hot chocolate.
by NotJeremyCamp December 9, 2016
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After a night of drinking and fast food your first bowel movement is liquid diarrhea that looks like Hot Chocolate.
This morning after a night of partying Joey started his day with A Hot Chocolate
by Oscar 2022 February 19, 2023
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A meaty hot chocolate is when a male shits in an cup and then blows his load into it and then he stirs it with his cock. To complete this “move” his partner, or anyone really, must drink this concoction.
1: Hey dude wanna make me a meaty hot chocolate
2: Dude that is so disgusting I think I’ve turned vegetarian, but lowkey sure bro.
by BlueIndustries February 24, 2018
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When you're taking a shit when the seat of the toilet is cold so you shit on the toilet seat to make it warm.
guy: dude I had to reverse hot chocolate my toilet last night.
by doomdank February 22, 2021
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A drink that contains hot chocolate and a bit of ice
Employee: Hello welcome to Starbucks what would you like to get
Abo: iced hot chocolate please
by NewYearNewMe69 September 22, 2018
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