Everyone who says Halo 2 sucks can kiss a grunts ass.
by gun February 19, 2005
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A decently average game that is grossly overrated and has 9 pages of definitions by grade school fucktards. Any game that can generate this level of stupidity should be banned.
Go play Half-Life 2 instead. It's much better.
by Jared March 11, 2005
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a FPS game for the Xbox, Sequel to Halo

Yes, I have both PS2 and Gamecube, and I'm here to break the stereotypes of "OMG all the people hating on Halo are Gamecube/PS2 owners!!!11!!1 omg lol internet"

I only played the first Halo once, and I liked it, a lot.

I recently went up to my brother's house in Utah, and he had Halo 2(No Xbox Live, sadly, but enough opponents for a 4 player multiplayer)

All I can say is that Halo 2 rocked my socks off

Then again, each Console has it's own shining gem in gaming.

And from what little hype I heard about Halo 2, It lives up to that.

Then again, I'm a sucker for anything remotely Sci-Fi, but Halo stood out in the "Sci Fi" Genre.

Xbox live would have made my experience even better.

Yes, I'll say that it's equal to sex.

Killzone is still the PS2's Halo killer though!
Killzone Looks just as great as Halo, I have yet to play it though


I win.
by Border Patrol Man January 5, 2005
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To take the skill and fun out of a game. To Noob up one of the best video games in order to appeal to soccer moms everywhere.
In November 2004, Microsoft and Bungie released the sequel to Halo titled Halo 2.
by scoville April 4, 2005
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one of the best things to prove that PS2 should have been named the P"O"S 2!!!!

best game ever!!!!!
bob:"I love final fantasy its so great"
george:"I just got Halo 2"
bob: *shoots self*
george: "man, am I glad I got an Xbox with Halo 2"

by Halo PhanBoi September 1, 2004
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I suggest that all you losers who orgasm over Halo 2 go and hang yourselves. I've never seen so many people go so mental over a videogame. jesus
Halo 2 is a highly-overrated first person shooter from Bungie, and a sequel to another highly overrated game, Halo.
by DCI November 22, 2004
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