14 definitions by DCI

European car manufacturer, pretty much the main branch of GM in Europe along with Saab and Isuzu.

Also known as Vauxhall in the UK, Holden in Australia and Chevrolet in South America. (the Chevy models are slightly different, such as estate and saloon versions of the Corsa, which aren't available in Europe.)

They make almost any type of car and is mainly aimed at the middle-class, along with Ford. Despite the shit reputation it seems to have on here, they do make some decent looking cars, such as the Vectra and their sports car, the VX220. They aren't rust-on-wheels anymore like they were 20 years ago.

Some Opel cars also make it into America every now and again, such as the Sintra, a total failure of a people carrier in Europe but is doing remarkably well under three different brands in America.
Astra - small family car
Vectra - repmobile
Vivaro - Transit equivalent
Corsa - hatchback
Zafira - people carrier
Frontera - SUV
VX220 - sports coupe
by DCI May 1, 2005
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Only EA could come up with something as retarded as "GoldenEye: Rogue Agent".
"Wow, the newest Bond game has JAWS!!!!!11OMGWTF"
by DCI September 8, 2004
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A useless lesson that is compulsory for all students in the UK up until age 16. The lesson consists of participating in sports and activities, such as football, badminton and cross-country.

The lesson isn't even worth anything and is mostly utilised to curb the supposedly growing amounts of fat, unfit little shits of our generation.

What's even worse is a GCSE (and also A-Level) qualification in PE. This is really nothing more than a tiny part of Biology and is only good for becoming a PE teacher, so you can teach more misguided fools how to become PE teachers, and so on. It's a rather dull cycle.
Most students are forced to play sports that they are not interested in, and are no good at. Combine these "useless" players with football geeks and you get a lot of bullying and harassment in PE, over nothing. This is more prevalent in America however, where social classes (such as those jock shitheads) are much more apparent.

Most schools have two hours/lessons of PE a week, but some, such as the prison known as Wreake Valley only have one.
by DCI May 1, 2005
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A place full of losers who piss and moan about spelling mistakes and grammar (although half the time when they refer to "grammar", they really mean spelling)

Also the game boards are populated with more losers who blindly defend the respective game, and automatically label any dissenters fanboys/trolls. (anyone who doesn't like GoldenEye: Rogue Agent is automatically labelled a GoldenEye or Halo fanboy for example) Anyone who doesn't particularly like whatever game the board is based on is automatically a troll and must be banned.
GoldenEye: Rogue Agent boards at GameFAQs. There was one topic on there where the starter explained his reasons for disliking Rogue Agent. The whole thing was completely thrown off topic because of a couple of people who couldn't get over the fact that he didn't use capitals - they thought this was "bad grammar".
by DCI December 6, 2004
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One of the earliest game companies and top of the league in the 80's with their Atari 2600. Ever since they have been on a downward spiral, kicked out of the console market and have now sold out to French publisher Infogrames. They have now been relegated to pushing the same old, cranky Atari arcade games of 20 years ago, rather than creating some decent games.
Man: Hey, have you seen this new Atari compilation I bought for my PS2? It's so cool, it brings back so many memories of yesteryear!
Man2: Yeah, there's also the Atari Flashback, Atari TV Games, Atari Anthology, Atari Anniversary Edition, Atari Revival, Retro Atari Classics, Atari Arcade Hits...
by DCI December 16, 2004
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Shooter for the Sega 32X, unique in that you control a hummingbird rather than a generic space ship. Sounds and looks beautiful, with some fantastic graphics, just like it's cousin Ecco the Dolphin on the Mega Drive. The gameplay tends to be confusing however.
Kolibri was never released on any other console.
by DCI November 21, 2004
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Sega's 8-bit competitor to the NES in the 80's. Got it's ass kicked in America, however it was quite successful elsewhere. In most cases cross-platform games looked better on the Master System.
TecToy of Brazil are still manufacturing officially licensed Master Systems to this day.
by DCI October 2, 2004
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