a freakin awesome music group thing from the freakin woodlands that like revolutionized music as we know it and stuff and the members are NAME WITHELD and NAME WITHELD and NAME WITHELD and they freakin ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!1ihahwjkfgduwaigfj
whoa dude the gully's are like the beatles of music
by scotty jeffery December 25, 2005
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used by the bad mans to mean steal
let gullie up that chiefs house blud!
by slangington March 19, 2008
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An almost invisible beast that hides in flood-ways usually in the Pilbara Region of Australia. Known to remove skin, clothing, and sometimes teeth from those who are usually intoxicated individuals looking for short-cuts home from parties or pubs.
"Fuck man - the Gully Monster really caned Mick...... broke his nose, wrist and bent his handlebars".
by Dance myth July 5, 2013
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When someone smokes a juul out of a females beaver and blows the smoke up a females anus
Person: “Hey man did u hear about what Cole did last night?”
Other person: “No what happened”
Person: “He gave that girl with the big a$$ a gully queef.”
by Big meat October 23, 2019
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A torrential rain that causes ditches to overflow creating flash floods on streets and roadways.
The gully washer spread so much water on the street that vehicles sprayed water high in the air as they passed by.
by Embe March 11, 2009
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The best cooking channel from Pakistan he is so nice and awesome and deserves alot of views
And loves kufi
Dude1:Hey I just watched golden gully
Dude2:that guy is trash
Dude1:screw you he’s awesome
by 8BITCARTER420 March 28, 2022
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The rhythm of a song with a gangster/hood "feel" to it
Man, that tune was so gully, wicked riddim!

Next tune coming in, holds a sick gully riddim!
by Si Richards October 19, 2008
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