One sexy cat with a bit of a twisted mood.
Good morning frumpy muffins! (said as the cat awakes with a frown.
by Frumperella January 29, 2004
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A teacher whom you dislike no matter what they teach or what they look like.
"Wow she's such a frumpy art teacher. It's the day before christmas break and she gave us an essay on the geometry of areodynamics...bitch."
by Chronny November 25, 2007
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Noun - the end result of masturbating, shaving your pubes, and pooping all in one toilet sitting.
I was gonna go to the bathroom, but my friend Grant left behind a Frumpy Moist Pigeon in the toilet.
by Cookie_Beard May 25, 2012
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While paragliding and performing sexual acts, you release yourselves from the harness, timing your climax with the exact moment that you collide with the ground. As an extra bonus use the lady friend as a cushion. If you're lucky, you might bounce.
"Professor, what is the chance of getting pregnant while performing frumpy-load kamikaze-ing?"
by Oscar "The Snake Charmer" March 23, 2010
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The opposite of "bringing sexy back". Not Aestheticly pleasing at all. Usually identified as a woman over 200 lbs, going bra-less, wearing sweatpants, flipflops, a t-shirt, and having less teeth in her mouth than she has fingers.
Friend 1: Oh my God! What the fuck is that thing? Is that Shrek?
Friend 2: I think it's a woman...
Friend 1: It's so fucking nasty!
Friend 2: Nah man, she's just bringing frumpy back.
by Steve Kalmertine November 7, 2007
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A chick with poor posture tucking her muffin-top in by pulling her jeans up too high.
"you know that bitch has a muffin top, tucking it into those high ass pants won't fool us, and she should learn to walk right!! That's a frumpy muffin-tuck!!"
by Stevo1981 April 4, 2008
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A fun killer. Someone who sucks all the good energy from a room.
Guy 1: “Man, Meg sucks.”

Guy 2: “Yeah she’s a frumpy fudd wacker no doubt
by DaFuccboi February 24, 2023
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