Used to make people confused because flob isnt even a Word.
by NithashiTheWordInventor September 15, 2017
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A fictional creature that is a combination of a flower and a blob.
Hey, what are you painting?

A flob

What's that

A flower and a blob combo

sounds interesting, who made that up?

A youtuber called Moriah Elizabeth did.
by SpiderMoonya July 8, 2022
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A hybrid creature produced by a flower and a blob. (This word was created by Moriah Elizabeth in her painting tie-dye series.)
The thing between a flower and a blob is called a Flob!
by mizlorgan July 8, 2022
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incredibly soft bit of face, some know it as a cheek
WOW! it's the flobs!
by blums September 2, 2022
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FLOB: acronym for Fat-LITTLE-OLD-BITCH
Why is this FLOB being such a micromanaging jerk?
by FURF December 23, 2018
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Its a mix between a dlower and a blob (made by Moriah Elizabeth)
by Your_Local_Loser July 16, 2022
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A word that Moriah Elizabeth created.

Person 1 ; look at that flob!
Person 2 ; yeah! that is a pretty flob!
by lupinthequeer July 9, 2022
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