This is when Sophia can’t spell correctly and repeatedly tried over and over again to spell and failed at each and every attempt
“Is this how it’s spelled or do I have dyslexic bae syndrome
by Not very smart Sophia June 18, 2021
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When ones brain can easily spell the desired word but whilst typing ones fingers FUCK IT UP!!
Oh ym god I vahe so tog dyslexic fingers rihtg now!!
by Schlongfacelots January 22, 2016
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When you know how to braid but can't for about 5 minutes after trying to braid someone's hair.
Classmate: hey are you sure you know how to braid?
Me: yes, I do, I'm just being braid dyslexic
by LoserBoy2024 October 16, 2023
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When you type out a word and it auto corrects but in reality you're dyslexic so you get mad at yourself and the phone.
God dammit auto-dyslexic
by therealslimoprag March 7, 2017
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