noun. a person on your bowling team, who is a drain on your team and society. this person is often the worst bowler in the league, and a douche.
mike is terrible tonight. he is definitly our coach doob.
by J Mak May 4, 2011
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The most important part of a ganj twist. It's essentially the last 25% of the blunt that you didn't smog, due to any number of reasons. Quarter Doobs are best utilized before noon.
Mike: "Man I'm over work already today, and it's only 10:30."

Me: "I feel ya man, über over and we'll roast this quarter doob with the doges."
by $uhDood December 16, 2016
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Pri·son·doob (pr-is-in-doob)

1. A slang term used for a very small, tightly rolled, marijuana cigarette. It is believed that the term has originated from certain incarcerated individuals who used this technique in order to hide the marijuana in either, (a) a tightly spaced area, or (b) somewhere in or on the body. This term is often associated with humor and/or sarcasm, as opposed to the actual act itself.
1. "What the hell kind of joint is this? You rolled a fucking prison-doob, dumbass."
by C Card December 15, 2007
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A doob noob is someone who is a noob at smoking doobies. Doob noobs inevetably end up juicing up your spliff with their big lips making it unpleasant to smoke, or if you roll filter-less doobs pinch off airflow completely making the doob impossible to smoke without modification.
Who's the doob noob who juiced the spliff.

Filter-less doobs are not for noobs.
by MC Redy February 19, 2011
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A Doob/doobay is a girl/ lady that is hot or fit and just looks gorgeous ayy cuz
Look at that Doob/doobay over she’s Fucken fit
by braitheybra May 19, 2023
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The act of vomiting into a bong after taking too harsh of a hit, then continuing to pass it/hit it despite the presence of vomit.

"Dude you just puked in the bong! You Doob'd-A-Jacob!"
"Are they still taking hits? There's puke in the water, do they know they're Doobing-A-Jacob?"
"Take it easy if you hit that too hard you might Doob-A-Jacob."
by BaronVonCuddly September 13, 2018
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