Lights and inflatables to show your love for Christmas during the holiday season. Mostly ruined by insane people putting their decorations up as soon as Halloween ends or sometimes even earlier.
"I need to put my Christmas decorations up."
by youngsavage69 November 25, 2018
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A cheap excuse to use during the holiday season for not hanging out with friends.
Tye: Hey why were you not at the b-ball court.
Damien: Oh I was decorating my Christmas Tree.
Tye: Dude What the fuck that's a lame excuse!
by Santadude69 December 10, 2013
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A state by which a person has decorations of several holidays up at the same time.
Wife: "Did you see Bob put up his Christmas lights?"
Husband: "Yes I noticed that he also still has the Halloween Flag flying, poor guy- he must suffer from "decoration delirium!"
by what the .... November 25, 2011
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When someone goes on and on about their life problems that it’s so annoying and emotionally draining.
I’m just a ding dong double decor dingus, aren’t I...” he said.
by Your gbf May 7, 2020
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Because Halloweens just ended, its socially acceptable to put up christmas decorations
Dude 1 - "why are ur xmas decor up?"
Dude 2 - "its november first! halloween ended, its xmas time"
Dude 1 - "oh yeah, its National put up your xmas decorations day
by .tormentor November 1, 2021
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Decorating with a mix of crystal chandeliers, plastic nik-naks, blue sky murals, bonsai and 80’s style mirrors so one feels they are in a nail salon.
Ling Ling’s apartment is all decked out in “ramen decor”.
by Well Approximated January 18, 2019
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When a man ejaculates on a pregnant woman's belly.
My pregnant wife doesn't wanna fuck but sometimes she lets me decorate the baby's room.
by leon von oren February 27, 2019
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