D.A.F: better known as Dank as Fuck; one of or the best ways to describe something.
Yo, those shoes you just got are daf man!!!
by dankasfuck8 August 1, 2011
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A daf is someone who is dumb as fuck. For example:
Dude... Mark said that he puts salt on McDonald’s fries. What a daf.

You’re literally so dumb. Daf.
by wulfyyyyy June 1, 2020
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a characteristic in which a person is both dodgy and fun
"OMG, she's going to the casino. She is so DAF"
by lolololololoooooooooolll March 9, 2017
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I came home, daf, and my parents made me hang out with them..
by ajfhvkadfkr July 27, 2011
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Dead As Fuck

(Someone says something funny.. You respond with; I'm dead!)
(Someone says something funny.. You respond; Funny AF As Fuck

Combination: DAF - Dead as Fuck

((Can also be used as Face Palm; when someone says/does something stupid.))
I am so DAF.
You got me DAF.
by Tengauge12 April 3, 2020
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