
by cwoww April 16, 2011
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Jeb: Did he just say "I'll stomp yo face, til yo face say Nike Air?"

Adam: Ya. DAF
by ajweemis April 1, 2011
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An abbreviation for the statement "Dope as Fuck" originally thought up by Sean Place after being made fun of for using the word "dope" as a description.
Yo, that rave you threw last week was daf! Uh!

Your mothers cheesecake was daf. And the cherries, wow.

This weekend was daf. Capital D.
by daf punk August 23, 2009
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'Dapper as Fuck'. (Denotes the highest level of class one could achieve.)
I can't believe how daf he looks tonight.
by Muse Goddess April 1, 2013
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dat ain't fair.

antonym: see dbf
You're late for your own wedding. Daf.
by the man January 11, 2005
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you like my ride?

hell yeah that shit is daf!
by JP AKA BUBU March 19, 2006
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Double anal fisting. Two have someone put two fists up your ass.
"Man, this movie is boring, wanna go daf instead?"

"I sure do love to daf."

by Yes Please January 17, 2006
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