what takes so much effort and indurance, a sport which is one person against everyone else, but in the end it's just you. You're in it for you. We run over 10 miles every day and can deal with more pain than you could ever imagine. Don't make fun of us. We can beat your asses any day, bitch.
Cross country is beast as shit and you're a pussy.
by lovetorunnnn<3 March 4, 2011
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every things funner with a runner

i love the cross country ladies
by Mike October 29, 2004
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A predominately white suburban neighborhood in Cypress Texas filled with entitled kids that wear white converse, chacos, and whatever shoes Kanye just dropped. Most people here care more about sports than academics and most of the girls listen to rap in order to feel "gangster". All of the houses look pretty much the same, which reflects how most of the people try to act as well. The infamous "Coles Crossing Moms" are a bunch of status crazy ladies that can be seen power walking on the trails in groups, acting as if they are still in high school and gossiping about their neighbors. There are some good people here though, they're just hard to find because they don't bother with social media or trying to be the loudest one in the room in order to get attention.
"Dang I see you flexing with your parents money. How Coles Crossing of you."

"We had to stop playing tag at recess because some kid got hurt one time and the next day the teachers got a swarm of emails from the Coles Crossing moms."
by lemonpancakeswithicecream August 4, 2018
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A sport in which extremly fit people with a hell of alot of metal strenght run until they faint. After a race, throwing up is common, leading to the saying, "If you don't throw up, you didn't try hard enough." Cross country runners are often mocked for having enough balls to wear short shorts, but cross country runners usually don't mind because they go to practice everyday and talk it up with girls.
runner one "Man, I just threw up after my cross country race!"

runner two "Good job man!"
by xcrossing runner December 9, 2007
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Stoned and drunk at the same time.

Marijuana + Alcohol.
Pete was so cross-faded last night he fell asleep on top of his girlfriend during sex.
by Clouds07 July 26, 2013
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The best and most difficult sport ever. It involves running thru grass, mud, and dirt for miles. You have to be really athletic to be good at it.
When I got my varsity letter in cross country freshman year, my freinds told me it didn't count because I didn't letter in a "real" sport. WHATEVER.
by zyx June 17, 2006
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A sport requiring hard work and endurance as well as alot of time. It is the most exciting sport possibly of them all because of the terrain you take on which varies from track to track. It rapes Hockey,Baseball,Bowling,And parts of Football to a tee and makes you a better person after you run it.
Dude: Man i went and ran cross country and it made me feel great, right after i almost fell on my knees because my legs hurt so much.
Me:Ha, Dude look at my State rings, one for Cross Country, Basketball, Indoor State Track...
by HCO February 21, 2008
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