A southern delicacy that is simple to make, and makes a great addition to any meal. Ingredients include sugar, salt, bacon fat, corn flour, and of course, some hot, boiling-ass water. Grannies and Nannies tend to make the best batches.
Thanksgiving at Granny's house was the shit! She had some of the best hot water cornbread I've eaten all year!
by yo-yo baiter June 16, 2007
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A phrase used to bid farewell. Used among friends only, and indicates a hope that the sweet parts of life blend with the rest.
Charlie: Ok, I'll see you tomorrow!
Peter: Sounds great man, may your cornbread crumble!
by Peter J B February 10, 2008
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The act of sex while listening to the lacs
We always raise hell and eat cornbread
by Nukeghst December 28, 2016
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A modern take on the spaghetti western genre of film, but with an all black cast. Ex: The Harder They Fall.
I love this new trend in Afrocentric westerns. It’s like we’ve got Afro futurism down, so now we’re taking it back to the past. Let’s call them cornbread westerns!
by B Cubed Fitness November 5, 2021
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A modern Afrocentric take on the spaghetti western genre of films.
Have you seen “The Harder they Fall? ”I really love what they’re doing with these Afrocentric western films. We got the future locked down with Afro futurism, now we can take it back to the past. Let’s call them cornbread westerns!
by B Cubed Fitness November 5, 2021
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A modern Afrocentric take on the spaghetti western genre of film.
Have you seen “The Harder they Fall?” I love these Afrocentric takes on older film styles. We should call them cornbread westerns
by B Cubed Fitness November 5, 2021
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