The way modern Democrats think the United States should be ran.
Democrats want to take all your money and give you what they think you need.
by common sense September 30, 2003
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KID: I want to go to China
America: OMG ITS A COMMIE PINK, KILL HIM, KILL HIM *Fires the nukes*

(Communism - Making America overreact since 1945)
by LookAtJohnWillJa December 21, 2010
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communism is a form of government that supposedly eliminates all social and monetary inequality. unfortunetly what many people do not realize is that all private property is no longer yours and everything must be shared. it is not, as many proclaim, a good idea for this reason alone. anyone who believes that everyone should have access to your house, car, food, etc. truly despises you as an individual and cares not for your well being, only theirs. Communism is NOT altruistic or peacable. millions died in Russia because the former business owners and industrialists were moved to the bottom of the food chain, and the peasants rose up to take their place on the social ladder. there was no equality but a social flip-flop that did nothing but prove that communism is nothing but an excuse for moochers.
with the fall of capitalism and rise of communism, there was much less than there was before for there was none with any expertise to control the industries, etc.
by Dreaming Big May 7, 2008
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A system of government that is, for all intents and purposes, is fascism in disguise. Like fascists, Communist governments are marked by centralization of authority under a dictator (Joseph Stalin and Kim Jong Il), suppression of the opposition through terror and censorship (Joseph Stalin took over countries and removed leaders he deemed "disloyal"), and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism (No racism, but there sure is nationalism). The equality thing for all is one of the biggest coverups in history.
Without Communism, Joseph Stalin wouldn't have killed 10 million people, nuclear weapons wouldn't be nearly as advanced or dangerous (cold war), no Berlin Wall, no Vietnam or Korean wars, no North Koreans working in factories for $3 a month, etc.
by Party Pooper March 14, 2005
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a country that has no freedom's and no one can own property.
the soviet union north Korea and china are communist and believe in communism.
by johnyfagolot July 11, 2011
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