After sex, she tightens up her pussy, thus pulling the cum filled rubber off and spilling the goop.
After banging your mother, I tried to pull out, but wound up leaving a load of Clenched Clam Chowder down her thighs.
by Scott Tissue September 8, 2021
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That act when you shove snow up your girl's pussy and you fuck until you start cumming.
We had the best Canadian Clam Chowder of all time, he couldn't even stop moaning.
by nasty nsfw July 4, 2021
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Sammy: Dude i was sitting their.

Joe: So

Sammy: Well Clam Chowder, I want my spot back
by SammyEffinD January 19, 2010
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When a woman sits on someone’s face and squirts in their mouth
Would you like some clam chowder tonight?
by Ashleytherrian August 22, 2019
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When one has a ostomy and said ostomy breaks and empties into your belly button.
Dave woke from his sleep, to his surprise he had a belly button full of Kentucky clam chowder.
by George Malone July 9, 2022
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During period sex, pull out, tit-fuck your partner then ejaculate their own blood into their face. Using the blood on the shaft as lubricant is key.
I'm not kinky or anything, but I would let Burt Reynolds do the Manhattan Clam Chowder on my period.
by Stagnetti's Cock December 2, 2022
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When you've had unprotected sex with too many women from downriver Michigan and your ejaculate resembles a yellowish hued clam chowder.
Man, I gotta start using condoms, I gave this girl a facial last night and it was chunky downriver clam chowder that came out. Felt like heaven but it burnt like hell ¹
by October 13, 2022
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