According to BadBoyHalo, he loves cheesy fries. The McDonald's Cheesy Bacon Fries feature the chain's signature French Fries, topped with cheddar cheese sauce and applewood-smoked bacon bits. The cheese sauce delivered a robust, creamy cheddar flavour that tended to overwhelm the distinctive flavor of McDonald's Fries. Texture wise, it has a smooth creamy consistency.
by PingSpoofMeDaddy June 26, 2020
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Cheesy P otherwise know as Le Fudge is the true gypsy king who could bate the head off Mike Tyson anyday just for the craic. Can sniff penny's from a mile off and has the best Jew lazers the world has seen. Despite having a tiny mickey, don't get comfortable as he will steal your missus in a second with his fudgy scent and Adidas appeal.
Jesus "Is that Cheesy P coming?"
Rabbi "Oh no, I better run or he will steal my pennies"
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When a hand job is given but there is residue/dust on the hand from a cheesy snack such as Doritos, Wotsits or Cheetos.
Myles: "How did the date go last night?"

Ant: "It wasn't going too well until she whipped out the Wotsits and gave me a Cheesy Roger "
by CheesyRodger November 10, 2017
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When one complains about problems on facebook -- and responds to every bit of sympathy; kind of looking a bit cheesy. Hence Facebook Cheesy. Or ---FB CHEESY---
FB Friend #1 : You know, I feel bad his grandma died and everything but he's being a little too FB Cheesy about it.

FB Friend #2: Well don't be too harsh on him, but uh yea, that is a bit FB Cheesy. :(
by drewniverse November 16, 2010
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A cheesy hampton is usually suffered by teenage blokes. They wake in the morning after dreaming about shagging some tart (or bloke) only to find they have stale sperm trapped around their dicks. Hampton Wick is a suburb in London, it is Cockney ryhming slang for Dick. Hence cheesy Hampton.
I say Roger, do you mind awfully and going to the bathroom and have a 'gentleman's wash. I can smell that Cheesy Hampton of yours, and it is fucking stinking out my house. Oh and please do not use my toothbrush whilst washing your pecker. Last time you were here, I had a mouthful of cheese you rotton bastard.
by Britannic May 24, 2009
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An exclamation at something crazy and/or surprising. Popularized by the critically acclaimed Grand Theft Auto IV video game. Random pedestrians in the game would sometimes yell "Cheesy vagina!" when the player caused mayhem in the city streets.
Niko pulls out an AK-47 and aims it at a pedestrian on the street.

Pedestrian: "Cheesy vagina!!"
by robo042 July 20, 2011
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A large dildo that has been dipped in cheese and inserted into a man's anus.
Aaron: "I shared a cheesy duder with my roommate last night."
Paul: "Whoa! Same here! Let's be fag-a-trons together!"
Aaron: "ok...but I double dip."
by CRunkJunk April 20, 2011
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