Spitting out a chewed up bite of food because you realize you can't eat one bite more.
Karl: "Did you see that chick over there, she just spit up her last bite of food into a napkin."
Monique: "She must have a bad case of pre-digestive bulimia."
by Momo Mayes June 22, 2007
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Cramming as much information as possible into your brain right before an essay exam, then writing down everything you can think of during the test, hoping that by vomiting out a huge pile of information, you'll actually get a few facts correct. Bingeing & purging as a method of studying & test-taking.
"How did you do on the test in Poli Sci?"
"I have no idea, but I had blue book bulimia, so maybe something I barfed up was actually right."
by starstattootoo December 12, 2012
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the phenomenon of your mind immediately purging itself of something that it no longer has need of.
Curt: I was trying to help my 10 year old with his homework yesterday and I completely freaking forgot how to multiply fractions.
Rod: Yeah, I know what you mean, I had to take a Philosophy course in college, and the minute it was over....bang....cognitive bulimia....without even realizing it I forgot everything I spent a semester memorizing.
by sheepdog1982 February 10, 2010
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When schools stuff a bunch of useless "knowledge" into kids' heads for the sole purpose of brain-vomiting it back onto a test paper.
"Ugh, I've got knowledge bulimia from all the useless crap my teacher makes me study".
by Kanna-Chan April 16, 2020
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It’s a sandwhich someone ate and throws back up into your mouth
She gave him a bulimia sandwich.
by ImAngy November 16, 2019
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It's literally just fat people that aren't fat and are crying 'eating disorder' while suffering from success.
Omg bulimia is such a mistake... I wish I was 300 lbs again instead of this slick sexy body while also enjoying food
by Dzop October 10, 2023
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A condition characterized by someone who regularly word vomits; a person who is unable to control the amount of words that come out of their mouth at any given moment.
Donald Trump must have word bulimia. He will say anything that comes to mind, no matter how insane, offensive, or ridiculous it may sound to the average person.
by The Rev August 22, 2022
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