A white nerdy boy who is desperate for every hot girl’s vagina. He is a man whore who cheats on his girlfriend and he is a total douchebag!
Guy #1- “Hey do you know who the nerdy pervert who banged that slut name was?”
Guy #2- “Why, that would be none other than Barry!”
by Stan Kyle Cartman Kenny April 22, 2019
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a child who flexes that he has a roblox girlfriend but in reality it is just a 70 year old pedo in his front yard a bout to molester him and traumatize him for the rest of his life but he is thicccccccccccccccccccc
by child hood obesity August 20, 2019
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The sexiest man alive he loves kids and eats a lot of food he is very stupid and is trash at most video games if u we’re to look up sexiest man alive a picture of Barry would come up saying he has a big willy
Barry is so sexy
by Calum Barry is a goat May 7, 2020
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A girl who always manages to get back at those who did her wrong, even though she barely tried
“Yeah I heard she got them all fired while she sat in a hotel room in Hawaii
“Oh my gosh, she’s such a Barri”
by Queen yet to be crowned January 10, 2018
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a super amazing person who is amazingly sexy and has a very tall boyfriend who likes to act like a monkey. She is the bestest friend in the world. She also loves red skittles and music. She makes bracelets in her spare time and is rarely seen without her camera.
Dude have you seen that barrie girl? shes pretty awesome.
by xBarrithx April 23, 2009
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Unusually large white man that thinks he looks good in a thong. Usually attached, but enjoys things in the anus.
Sarah: Did you see that guy?? Gross,,

Lisa: Oh its just a Barry...
by avail202 November 6, 2010
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When a friend stands you up, maintaining that he is on his way and definitely coming to meet you, until you receive a text message half way through the meet up.

"Sorry guys I can't make it tonight. Work stuff."
Dave: Where's Brad?
Steve: He's doing a Barry mate!
by slt669 September 4, 2015
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