It means you love to party homeless people and invite elderly women to dance with in public places like Gang land or Drugz R us or explosive party land (with snakes of course) and love kissing pictures of justine bieber
by billiethegangster April 5, 2019
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The manual stimulation of a male's penis with lubrication by another person, usually to the point of ejaculation.
Having mastered the slippy grippy, Susie was popular with her high school football team.
by Brothernovember#3 February 11, 2014
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When a guy lubes up his dick and watches his girl try and toss it off
Guy 1: Dude I made Carol give me a Slippy Toad
Guy 2: Did she manage it
Guy 1: Of course not, it's a Slippy Toad
by Mozza xD August 27, 2008
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When you slide your widdler into a blender at full speed.
I am desperate to have a slippy-sloppy
by bobbly bobler November 25, 2003
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When a man named Foot greases himself up with butter (hence slippy), and dives into the arms of passers by, seeing if they can catch him. If they fail, he eats them
Man 1: Slippy Foot was a bit greasier than usual today!
Man 2: I know. He's eaten both of my grandparents this week. The bastard.
by Domo Smith August 8, 2007
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The act of great excitement that ends in the word- slippy slop which is used to enhance the excitement of the act.
Did you see that dunk by John Stockton!!..slippy slop
We had a slippy slop of a time watching the Jazz game.
by Lorenzo Shlingy May 7, 2010
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When having sex with a girl, stick it in without a condom, then pull out to put a condom on and continue.
Benjamin: "Hey bro, how was last night with that girl from the club?"
Me: "I couldn't decide if I should use a condom or not so I gave her a Slippy Jimmy."
by Superscrubby November 14, 2016
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