A town that goes the hardest when it comes to drinking and partying. Home of the Sachems and passionate singing group The Boys World Premiere. House parties are the center of the social scen, whether its Dave's week or the hiring of strippers and kegs. Everyone goes to prestigious colleges but when it comes to it, the crews at home take the cake. Everyone's down to get fucked up cause Winvegas never dissapoints. We drop our "r's, and live the life of reilley. Nothing beats it when you cross the local spots like ginn field, Norwood st., or even Nike. Winchester has that sting that makes us 4 miles north of Boston...
You know your from Winchester when dips food and beer are the diet
by Big Time Stretch July 6, 2011
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Winchester Hard is when someone in Winchester, Tennessee acts hard on the phone, but is a puss cake when it comes to dealing with business in person. Basically, a person who is Winchester Hard is all talk and no step. Fucking pussies.
Ella: “Wow! John isn’t about it in person, he only talks shit on the phone”

Chanse: “ He must be Winchester Hard. Just look at his fit!”
by PeePee Butthole April 21, 2020
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A condition in which an individual suffers from an inflated crotchal area. When suffering from the winchester goose, the significant swelling of the pelvic region can sometimes give the appearance of a fatty vagina; A ballooned vagina.
"Yo! that biatch has some wicked nasty winchester goose!! But it dont look like it has nice cushion for the pushin, it just looks fatnastay!
by SeenMac May 23, 2005
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Ok so Winchester is a town close to Boston that is home to very rich parents with big houses and rich children. There are some people who aren't rich and just live there for the schools and people usually notice. The town is so boring there is nothing to do but spend their parents money or drink and party. So of course they drink and party. Winchester is the sort of place where if your in, say Main, and you tell people you're from Winchester, they'll look at you funny and automatically assume you're a rich bitch, which 65% of the time s true. Winchester is known for its abnormal alcohol and drug use, despite the schools' constant reminder not do drink and not to do drugs. The schools are really really really good and an A in Winchester is good in a college's eyes. There is a ton of pressure to take AP classes and do well in school. The teachers usually can't even afford to live in Winchester. If you're from Winchester and people don't know you very well they will probably judge you for living there. Every kid in Winchester absolutely HATES Winchester with a burning passion because it's so boring.
winchester, ma winchester rich rich kids drinking drunk alcohol drugs preppy Boston slut
by Foodyum April 28, 2013
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an old quaint southern town in northwestern virginia, the shenandoah valley...they are very proud of this parade called appleblossom which is pretty much the one time when it doesn't feel like a ghost town...the highschool looks like a university...the university looks like a middle school...it's a strong recovery town, lots of aa meetings, and rehab/recovery programs such as New Lifestyles, Edgehill, and ...some other big detox hospital i can't remember the name of...home to celebrities such as Stephen Bossidy (living) and Patsy Cline (dead)
and they have two walmart supercenters...and a street called walmart drive...it's pretty much the only place you see people actually walking around.
me: i got sent away to this rehab program.
friend: where?
me: winchester virginia.
friend: oh...um..where the fuck is that?
me: middle of nowhere
friend: is it nice?
me: if you're into walmart, ghost towns, and aa, then yeah, awesome.
by rjul May 10, 2009
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gems Winchester school is a school with wannabe chammaks and such girls like Laila are one of the most buetiful in the school and well if u don't come to the school with a tie you're practically dead ps.i hate ms Sabina
gems Winchester school has girls such as Laila that are so fucking buetiful and people that are cool such as raham, seif, amine, Sultan, Abdul, mansoor, ehab.
by TyarZ October 29, 2019
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Winchester is an interesting suburb to the northwest of boston, about fifteen minutes away on the commuter rail, and home to a shifting teenage demographic which varies over time between independent and friendly and alcoholic and hateful, although the alcohol is pretty consistent, as is the jockness, but as much as they change they're always just the same as their parents - rich.
Some interesting people have appeared here, though.
Slang is unique. Most words end in izzy. Worthless people are called vus. Like if someone starts a fight, freaks out, backs their car really fast into someone they don't even know's car, then drives away, people will call after him "vuuuuuuuuu" before bolting from the Winchester Police Department. Or is someone gets heartbroken, and sends naked pictures of his exgirlfriend to her future professors at the college she's planning to go to before she gets a restraining order on him, the community will have labeled him a "vu" by nightfall.
Very critical town. No one knows where this old tradition comes from.
Come visit! Exit 32b on 93!
I lived in Winchester, MA for nineteen years and wasn't forced to deal with too many vus.
by lifelongwinchester October 5, 2005
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