When someone only thinks of Star Trek or Television and makes strange comments that everyone knows they didn't really think about before saying something stupid.
Did you hear Donald Trump talking about Operation Warp Speed? He has such a Warped Mind.
by No Hemingway May 20, 2020
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When one is deprived of sleep for at least a week and slips into a hallucinatory state. The mind is unable to determine what is real and what is just a mind splitting fuck fest of demons and rape-vampires.
The boys and I went into the warp zone
by Greybeardtaco May 15, 2019
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To pass any fuckwads like the breeze of a wind
See that guy Izu? I warped that air.
Yea you see that Andalisse? Warp air like shit!
Wow you know that girl Sara? She can warp your air!
by SaraQthePanda January 4, 2019
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Tour started in 1995 as an answer to the commercialization of Lollapalooza. Now, just an excuse to mass market punk rock as a fashion trend to adolescents.
The warped toour lineup has gotten progressively worse each summer.
by sean April 23, 2005
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Started as a huge punk festival and as a fuck-you to Lollapalooza and Woodstock, but over the years it has devolved further and further into one colossal shit-fest, with Bad Religion and a couple other bands here and there as the sole redeeming value. Sure, the place is practically swimming with hot chicks, but are a couple random scene chicks worth blowing a bunch of money on something this bad? Think about it.
It's kind of sad to see a band as legendary as Bad Religion surrounded by such vast amounts of pure fail, especially when you consider what the Warped Tour once was.
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A day where you see a lot of bands you have never heard of, buy stickers and shirts of bands you have never heard of, and you get kicked in the face from moshing to bands you have never heard of. And you do this so you can sound and look "cool".
1: "Did you go to Warped Tour?"

2: "Yeah! I saw a thousand and 24 bands there, and bought all their shirts! And I got kicked in the face!"

1: "Wow, you are way awesome, aren't you?"

2: "Yeah, I am, don't be jealous, but I'll be talking about Warped Tour all the time."
by loves popcorn August 16, 2009
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"Going warp Ten on" Things
Aka, Fucking moving on the bitch
"Dude, Jimmy's fucking warp tenning that buffet"
"Warp Tenning?"
"Going to town on something at a theoretically impossible speed"
"Fucking nerd is what you are."
by saywhaaaaaat? January 18, 2008
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